Ranking the 10 Worst Thanksgiving Day QB Performances in NFL History

Colin Kaepernick, Dan Marino, and other big names show up in this ignominious countdown.

Adam Fromal  •  23 Nov 2022
Dan Marino Fathered an Illegitimate Child From an Affair and Paid His Mistress Millions to Keep Quiet

Dan Marino has been married for nearly 40 years, but he had an affair along the road that resulted in an illegitimate child.

Jack Dougherty  •  27 Jul 2020
Tom Brady Is Far Down Terry Bradshaw’s List of Greatest Quarterbacks

Some of the quarterbacks that Terry Bradshaw rates ahead of Tom Brady are surprising.

John Moriello  •  10 Apr 2020
Dan Marino Lost Millions by Backing ‘Titanic’ Director’s Company

Dan Marino thought he had invested in a winner, but the production company founded by director James Cameron went bankrupt less than a year after its IPO.

John Moriello  •  09 Apr 2020